Are you ready to join the good fight?
Reparations + Mutual Aid = Tzedakah
The direct translation of Tzedakah, which we think of as charity, actually means “justice” or “righteousness.” In Jewish thought, sharing our resources is both correct and honest. Our resources are not ours. It belongs to us all.
Waking Giants participates in Tzedakah through direct fund raising campaigns, putting our mutual aid funds directly into the hands of individuals and organizations who need it. Some of the actions that we’ve supported recently include:
Supporting emerging abortion funds in conservative states in the US
COVID related support for women-headed households in India, Gaza, and Haiti
Paying for health care for members of the Trans community in Texas
Natural disaster assistance directly to families around the globe
Current summer 2024 mutual aid actions include providing donated meals for the staff at Camp Half Blood and for providing cash to an extended Palestinian family still in Gaza that is beloved by our Waking Giants community
Our Good Fight Club is for both individuals and groups ready to commit to a practice of digging in and doing the work. The change we want to see in the world starts with us, our companies, our organizations, and it is something that we come to embody, as living more intentionally becomes a practice in and of itself. Welcome!
Our Mutual Aid Framework
The way that we show up for and with others matters. We invite you to consider a shift in how you engage with philanthropy rooted in your commitment to living an anti-racist life. Choosing giving to mutual aid campaigns is a powerful way to do this.
Good Fight Club + Mutual Aid partners benefits
Membership puts your dollars into action + gets you early registration access to family friendly social action + service opportunities where we practice the art of being in brave community with each other.
Membership gets you early registration access to community in action workshops that sustain us for the long haul on a range of topics chosen by you, our community.
Membership reminds you to center justice, joy + hope with early registration access to COVID safe gatherings that matter, book clubs, community built playlists, recipes and more so that we can continue to show up and be of service.